Leaky Repair in hollywood FL | Plumber In Hollywood FL
Leaky Repair.
Leaky Repair, Whether you’re losing boiler pressure, can smell mould, have a damp patch or have received a high water bill, we can help you detect the leak and fix it as quickly as possible.
After all, the impact of leaks should never be underestimated. A 0.5mm leak could lose 20 litres of water every hour, causing considerable destruction to your property.
Detecting leaks early is just the start. The cost and disruption of locating the source can be equally considerable. If the leak isn’t obvious, a plumber may cause further damage to find it.
We’ll send a specialist technician to your home at the most suitable time for you. They’ll use the latest leak detection technology to locate the problem in a matter of minutes.
So don’t hesitate – speak to Plumber On Wheels. Contact us by phone or online and we can talk you through what to expect to put your mind at rest.
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